About Vinnuskráin
Vinnuskráin is TAKS' internal register of businesses and associations. When you register in Vinnuskráin, you get a V-tal, which is short for vinnutal and is comparable to what is often called a VAT number in English.
When you register, amend or deregister your business in Vinnuskráin, you must specify the type of business. I.e. is it a limited company, private limited company, partnership, sole proprietorship, interest group or something else.
Read more about the different types of businesses under quick links.
If the business continues
If the business continues while the owner of the company moves abroad, it is necessary to have a representative who resides in the Faroes. The representative and the company then have joint responsibility. The representative must complete and sign the registration form "Representative in the Faroe Islands for a foreign company".
If the business closes down
If the business in the Faroes ceases while the owner moves abroad, the company must deregister in TAKS' business register, Vinnuskráin.