
Meat Products

You may import smaller quantities of meat products for private consumption from the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Greenland. You may not import meat from other countries. 

Meat products from the EU and Norway

The import of meat or meat products directly from EU countries or Norway does not require a veterinary certificate, provided that the shipment is accompanied by an invoice.

Meat products from Iceland and New Zealand

You may import meat products from Iceland and New Zealand on the condition that:

  • the shipment is accompanied by a veterinary certificate
  • the product comes from an EU-approved establishment
  • and that the Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority has been notified ahead of the import.
Meat products from Greenland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland

Meat products from Greenland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland must undergo a veterinary check at the Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority. Remember to notify the Food and Veterinary Authority ahead of the shipment.