
Broadcast Receiver License

The broadcast receiver license is a contribution that we make in order to enjoy the radio and TV stations of the public broadcasting network, Kringvarp Føroya. TAKS collects the broadcast receiver license, called Kringvarpsgjald.

Who pays the broadcast receiver license?

Individuals, aged 24 or over and fully tax liable in the Faroe Islands, must pay the broadcast receiver license. It becomes payable the first month after turning 24. Employers are also required to contribute. Read more about the company contribution by clicking the link under quick links.

Are you studying abroad?
Students who reside abroad, but retain full tax liability in the Faroes, are not required to pay the broadcast receiver license. However, students registered in the National Registry (Landsfólkayvirlitið) may still be sent a bill. In this case, students should inform Kringvarp Føroya that they are studying abroad. Kringvarp Føroya will then determine whether the student is exempt from the contribution and notify TAKS.


How much the broadcast receiver license is, depends on your age:

  • If you are aged 24 - 66, you are required to pay DKK 173 a month. You start paying the month after you turn 24.
  • If you are aged 67 and over, you are required to pay DKK 71 a month. You start paying the month after you turn 67. 
How is it collected?

Kringvarpsgjald is a monthly contribution which is collected in these ways:

  • If you receive wages or payments via the tax withholding system, the contribution is automatically withheld before you receive the money.
  • If you receive a student grant, the contribution is automatically withheld from the grants.
  • If you do not have an income that goes via the tax withholding system, for example, if you stay at home or have a B-income, you will be billed every month.

If you fall under the last category, you can make a payment agreement so that the contribution is automatically transferred when it is due. Click the link under quick links.