Tax statement vocabulary
The tax statements you receive from TAKS are generated by the automated tax system and are not available in English yet.
If you have received a tax statement, and have trouble understanding the Faroese terms, the following list of translations may be helpful.
Arbeiðsmarknaðargjald: Labour market fees
At heinta inn: To be collected
Avlopsskattur: Overpaid tax
Avrunding: Rounded off
Álíknaður B-skattur: Assessed B-tax
Álíkningargrundarlag (inntøkur): Tax base (incomes)
Álíkningarkommuna: Municipality for tax purposes
Barnafrádráttur: Child tax credit
Brutto kommunuskattur: Gross local tax
Bruttolandsskattur: Gross national tax
B-skattur eftir at gjalda: B-tax due
Eftirlønarinntøka: Pension income
Eftirlønartrygging: Deferred annuity assurance
Framskundað skattauppgerð: Pre-completed tax statement
Frádráttir í inntøkuskattinum: Income tax deductions
Frádráttur fyri X børn: Child tax credit for X children
Fyribilsskattur: Preliminary tax
Gjørt upp áður: Previously settled
Góðskrivað: Credited
Goldin A-skattur: Paid A-tax
Goldin B-skattur: Paid B-tax
Goldin restskattur: Outstanding tax paid
Grein-76 inngjøld: Section-76 contributions
Inntøka av egnum virki: Income from self-employment
Írestandi skattur: Underpaid tax
Kirkjuskattaprosent: Church tax rate
Kommunuskattaprosent: Local tax rate
Lønarinntøka: Earned income
Møgulig eftirstøða verður mótroknað áðrenn útgjalding: Other possible due payments will be offsett before the refund
Netto kommunuskattur: Net local tax
Netto landsskattur: Net national tax
Ov nógv goldið: Too much paid
Ógoldin B-skattur: Unpaid B-tax
Ógoldin restskattur: Unpaid outstanding tax
Pensjónsfrádráttur: Retirement deduction
Renta: Interest
Restskattur: Outstanding tax
Sekt: Fine
Skattskyldug inntøka: Taxable income
Skattskyldug(ur) (dagatal): Number of taxable days
Skattur: Tax
Skattur goldin uttanlands: Foreign tax paid
Skattur í alt: Total tax
Skattur til góðar: Tax in your favour
Úrslit av uppgerðini: Result of statement
Útgoldin fyribilsskattur: Refunded preliminary tax
Útgreining av A-inntøku: Description of A-income
Útgreining av B-skatti: Description of B-tax
Verður útgoldin síðst í mánaðinum: Will be refunded at the end of the month